Utility Contractor Magazine »

Utility Contractor Magazine

Base Price:


Total List:


*PLEASE NOTE /M = Per Thousand

List Description:

Utility Contractor is published for underground utility & site work professionals. Utility Contractor readers are high-level executives and managers who wield significant purchasing power. More than 83% of the total readership holds a title of authority from owner to director.

Minimum Order:

5,000 Records

Commission / Credit Policy:

20% to Recognized Brokers. 15% to Recognized Agencies.

Cancel Charges:

All POSTAL/TELEMARKETING orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur a $50.00 flat cancellation fee, $15.00/M run charges, plus applicable shipping charges. All EMAIL orders cancelled prior to email date will incur a $125.00 flat cancellation fee, plus applicable production / run charges. No cancellations will be accepted after the mail or email date.

Standard Turnaround Time:

One Business Day

Target Region:

  • Domestic


  • One Time Use unless otherwise agreed upon
  • Reuse Clearance

Available Counts:

Gender $15.00/M
Select Count
Male 7,147
Female 862
Phone Number $65.00/M
Select Count
Phone Number 8,934
Title $20.00/M
Select Count
Owner/President/CEO/Board Chairman 4,321
General Manager/Manager/Director 1,969
Other 955
Superintendent/Project Manager/Foremen 723
VP/Treasurer/Secretary 568
Engineer/Estimator 510
Primary Industry $20.00/M
Select Count
Contractors,General Contractors,Subcontractors 3,552
Engineering Firm 1,880
Municipal/Public/Private Utility 1,472
Manufacturer/Supplier 1,449
Others allied to the field 691
Purchasing Authority $25.00/M
Select Count
Approve 1,539
Recommend 688
Not Invloved 282
Specify 118
Areas of Construction $25.00/M
Select Count
Excavation 1,806
Sewer/Water Construction 1,702
Site Work 1,418
General Construction 1,182
Trenchless Installation 1,019
Road/Highway/Bridge Construction 964
Treatment Plant Construction 663
Phone/Cable Installation 652
Trenchless Rehabilitation 629
Gas Distribution 584
None of the above 258
Sales Volume $20.00/M
Select Count
Under $500,000 579
$500,001 - $1,000,000 320
$1,000,001 - $10,000,000 724
$10,000,001 - $25,000,000 295
More than $25,000,000 531
How much will you spend next 12months $25.00/M
Select Count
Under $100,000 945
$100,001 - $250,000 456
$250,001 - $500,000 317
$500,001 - $1,000,000 282
More than $1,000,000 490

Customers also viewed:

This List Rents
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Phone Numbers


Response, Active Subscribers

List Update Frequency:

Updated Quarterly

Selection Pricing:

Selection Price
Geography $15.00/M
Primary Industry $20.00/M
Title $20.00/M
Gender $15.00/M
How much will you spend next 12months $25.00/M
Sales Volume $20.00/M
Areas of Construction $25.00/M
Purchasing Authority $25.00/M
Phone Number $65.00/M

Production Charges

Charge Price
Electronic Delivery $65.00/F
Key Coding $5.00/M
Title Slugging $10.00/M

Additional Charges May Apply

The Information Refinery, Inc.
1200 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 104
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 800-529-9020
Fax: 201-529-4030
All prices posted are accurate as of the time each data card was published. Actual current pricing may vary slightly due to recent list owner increase or decrease.