American Laundry News Magazine »

American Laundry News Magazine

Base Price:


Total List:


*PLEASE NOTE /M = Per Thousand

List Description:

American Laundry News Magazine covers issues facing the laundry industry: productivity, technology, labor, workplace safety, the environment, and more. It is distributed to large institutions such as nursing homes, hotels, motels, resorts, clubs, restaurants, colleges, prisons, military bases, and other institutions that own, operate, or need large laundry systems. Readers of American Laundry News are facility managers, administrators, personnel directors, purchasing, materials, laundry, and housekeeping management. Recipients are typically in charge of more than laundry operations alone, as duties can include facility management, equipment purchasing, personal management, and human resources.

Minimum Order:

5,000 Records

Commission / Credit Policy:

20% to Recognized Brokers. 15% to Recognized Agencies.

Cancel Charges:

All POSTAL/TELEMARKETING orders cancelled prior to the mail date will incur a $50.00 flat cancellation fee, $15.00/M run charges, plus applicable shipping charges. All EMAIL orders cancelled prior to email date will incur a $125.00 flat cancellation fee, plus applicable production / run charges. No cancellations will be accepted after the mail or email date.

Standard Turnaround Time:

One Business Day

Target Region:

  • Domestic


Available Counts:

Gender $15.00/M
Select Count
Male 5,533
Female 3,254
Phone $50.00/M
Select Count
Total 10,214
Primary Business $20.00/M
Select Count
Hotel,Motel,Resort Laundry 3,542
Comm/Industrial Laundries 2,222
Nursing Homes Laundries 2,174
Others 1,437
Manufacturers,Distributors 594
Textile Rental 328
Hospital Laundries 314
Prisons,Schools Laundry 54
Title $20.00/M
Select Count
Administration 2,439
Laundry Manager 691
Housekeeping 106
Purchasing 79

Customers also viewed:

This List Rents
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Phone Numbers


Active Subscribers

List Update Frequency:

Updated Quarterly

Selection Pricing:

Selection Price
Title $20.00/M
Primary Business $20.00/M
Gender $15.00/M
Phone $50.00/M
Geography $15.00/M

Production Charges

Charge Price
Electronic Delivery $65.00/F
Key Coding $5.00/M

Additional Charges May Apply

The Information Refinery, Inc.
1200 MacArthur Blvd
Suite 104
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone: 800-529-9020
Fax: 201-529-4030
All prices posted are accurate as of the time each data card was published. Actual current pricing may vary slightly due to recent list owner increase or decrease.